Mobile Disco In Sittingbourne | Sittingbourne Mobile Discos DJ

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Mobile Disco In Sittingbourne | Sittingbourne Mobile Discos DJ

If you are looking for a mobile disco in Sittingbourne or Sittingbourne Mobile Disco DJ, you have come to the right place for a great party.

The Mobile Disco in Sittingbourne web page lists mobile discos and mobile DJs in Sittingbourne to help with all your mobile disco requirements. Check out the Hints and Tips at the bottom of this page before booking your mobile disco in Sittingbourne.

Mobile Disco In Sittingbourne Listings

JMF Disco, 54 Beaconsfield Road, Sittingbournesittingbourne business directory photo mobile disco in Sittingbourne, ME10 3BB
Tel: 01795 429777
Mob: 07895 546183
JMF Disco provides a professional mobile disco service for all occasions, great sound, great lighting – a great party.
Mobile DiscoWedding DJChildren’s PartiesWedding DJ Kent
Dave Bowles Disco Service
2 Wentworth Drive, Sittingbourne, ME10 1UB
Tel: 01795 420136
Premier Sounds
The Meads, 33 Lorimar Court, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 5JB
Tel: 07808 060823

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Hints and Tips when hiring a mobile disco in Sittingbourne

When hiring a mobile disco in Sittingbourne it is essential to get a contact or booking agreement in place that sets outs what is agreed between you and your DJ. All reputable mobile discos will issue such a contract – if they do not you might be well advised to walk away. The contract will protect you and the mobile disco.

The contract should set out the following terms as a minimum:-

Date of contract
Date of event
Setup time
Performance start time
Performance finish time
Total cost
Deposit required
Payment terms – when are payments to be made
Cancellation terms – what happens if you want to cancel?

When selecting a mobile disco in Sittingbourne yuo might want to consider the following items:-

Quality – Just as ‘cars’ are different, so are mobile discos, some are better quality and more reliable, others are cheap and cheerful that just about manage to get you from A to B. Not everyone can afford the best cars but old bangers are most probably best avoided. When booking a mobile disco it is most probably for a special occasion so paying a bit extra will be worth it.

Experience – There is not substitute for it – whilst you might risk an inexperienced DJ for a 16th or 18th birthday celebration it is most probably not advisable to book the same DJ for one of the most important days of your life – your wedding.

Backup – what systems had the DJ got in place if his amplifier packs up during the event? What happens if the DJ is ill and cannot make it? A good mobile disco in Sittingbourne will not leave you stranded in such circumstances.

Style of music and songs – make sure that your mobile disco in Sittingbourne is used to playing the style of music required and has the songs you want playing – whilst many DJs are fine with mixed age family parties – if you want Drum N Bass played all night some DJs might struggle. Make sure your DJ allows you to choose your particular favourites – some DJs do not like playing from extensive client playlists.

References – if you have seen you chosen DJ perform you will know roughly what you will be getting. If you have not seen the DJ perform ask your friends for recommendations – you may not have the same taste in music as your friends but it is a good starting place. Try to see your DJ in action before booking. Ask your DJ to provide you with testimonials – having great testimonials is good but bear in mind the DJ is unlikely to show you that bad ones he might have received as well!

Equipment – make sure that the equipment you DJ will be using is suitable for your venue and number of guests attending. Whilst most discos should be able to cope with 80 or so guests, larger numbers, larger venues and marquees will require a decent sound system to be provided – that pair of cheapo speakers from Maplins used by budget DJs will not be enough. Ask to see photos of the set up to be used – what does the disco look like overall when set up – is it neat and tidy or are there wires trailing around everywhere using the old 1970/80’s light screens with the name of the disco plastered across the front?

Insurance and PAT Certificate – make sure your mobile disco in Sittingbourne has suitable public liability insurance and he has a PAT (Portable Appliance Test) Certificate for all his equipment – not only for your reassurance but many venues will require to see evidence of this before they allow your disco to set up.

Ask these simple questions are you should find your ideal reliable professional mobile disco in Sittingbourne.