Get Listed

How to get listed in Sittingbourne Business Directory

There are 3 types of listing within the Sittingbourne Business Directory:-

  • Free
  • Standard
  • Enhanced

Get listed in Sittingbourne Business Directory

1.Free Listing

Free listings  are displayed in random order and positioned at the bottom of the category page below Standard and Enhanced Listings

A free listing includes:-

Your company name
Your company address
Your company telephone number

A typical free listing will look like this:-

Mobile Discos Category Page

JMF Disco

54 Beaconsfield Road, Sittingbourne ME10 3BB

Tel: 01795 429 777

Click here to email me the details of your Free Listing in the Sittingbourne Business Directory – don’t forget to mention which Category you would like to be listed under – if there isn’t one already we will look at setting up a new one.

2. Standard Listing – £10.00 per year

Stardard listings are displayed in random order and positioned above Free Listings on the category page and below Enhanced Listings

A Standard Listing includes:-

Your company name
Your company address
Your company telephone number
Your mobile telephone number
Up to 35 words of information
A link to your website

A typical Standard Listing will look like this:-

Mobile Discos Category Page

JMF Disco

54 Beaconsfield Road, Sittingbourne ME10 3BB

Tel: 01795 429 777

Mob: 07895 546183

JMF Disco provides unique and memorable wedding and party discos for all types of celebrations – get in contact today for a great quote and a fun party!


Click here to email me the details of your Standard Listing in the Sittingbourne Business Directory – don’t forget to mention which Category you would like to be listed under – if there isn’t one already we will look at setting up a new one.

 3. Enhanced Listing – £30.00 per year

Enhanced listings are displayed at the very top of the category page positioned above Standard Listings and Free Listings to give your display maximum value and exposure

A free listing includes:-

Your company name
Your company address
Your company telephone number
Your mobile telephone number
Up to 35 words of information
4 bullet point links to highlight your companies services – these may be anchor text linked to your web site pages
Your company logo or picture

A typical Enhanced Listing will look like this:-

Mobile Discos Category Page

JMF Disco Image JMF Disco

54 Beaconsfield Road, Sittingbourne ME10 3BB

Tel: 01795 429 777

Mob: 07895 546183

JMF Disco provides unique and memorable wedding and party discos for all types of celebrations – get in contact today for a great quote and a fun party!


  • Wedding discos
  • Birthday parties
  • Kids parties
  • School discos


Click here to email me the details of your Enhanced Listing required in the Sittingbourne Business Directory – don’t forget to mention which Category you would like to be listed under – if there isn’t one already listed we will look at setting up a new one.

 Need A Web Site?

If your company or organisation does not currently have a web site Sittiservices can make one for you.

A simple but effective web site page within the Sittiservices site can be produced for £50.00 describing and listing the services that you offer, any special offers, photos of previous work with your contact details etc.

If you want your own independent web site with your own domain name and website hosting this can also be arranged with prices starting from £100.00.

Email Sittiservices here or phone John on 01795 429777 to discuss your requirements.