Painters And Decorators In Sittingbourne

Looking for Painters and Decorators in Sittingbourne?

Welcome to the Painters and Decorators in Sittingbourne section of our Sittingbourne Business directory.

Here you will find a great selection of the best painting and decorating firms in Sittingbourne.

painters and decorators in sittingbourne imageEach of the painters listed will have their own specialisations and areas of decorating trades that they practise in including internal decorations, wall papering, external decorations, rag rolling, spraying, commercial decorating etc – see the link at the bottom of the page for the Wikipedia link to Painter and Decorator outlining the extent of accouting services that are available.

Some painters and decorators firms in Sittingbourne are sole traders, some partnerships and some are branches of national, even international firms that offer there own special painting and decorating services that can be tailored to meet your needs

Featured Painters and Decorators In Sittingbourne

TCB Painting and Decorating

TCB Painting and Decorating ImageTCB Painting and Decorating is owned and operated by qualified female painter Yvonne Padmore and offers a range of services to help decorate you home, saving you time, mess and alot of decorating headaches!

Our Painting and Decorating services include:

  • Painters and decorators In Sittingbourne
  • Wall papering  and painting in Sittingbourne
  • In fact we can help with most aspects of decorating your home exactly as you wish!

Yvonne’s sympathetic eye, experience, expert knowledge and advice will help bring your decorating ideas to life – making your house a home to be proud of (and the envy of your friends and family!).

TCB Paining and Decorating
19 Hilton Drive

Tel: 01795 436 985

Mob: 07774 539 388



Painters and Decorators In Sittingbourne

K S Painters and Decorating

70 Gazehill Avenue, Sittingbourne ME10 4SJ

Tel: 07764 614 252


ORB Decorators

94 Coldharbour Lane, Sittingbourne ME10 2SE

Tel: 07599 467 520


More information about Painters and Decorators can be found here.

Painters and Decorators In Sittingbourne