Indian Takeaways In Sittingbourne

Looking for Indian Takeaways in Sittingbourne?

Welcome to the Indian Takeaways in Sittingbourne section of our Sittingbourne Business directory.

Here you will find a great selection of the best Indian Takeaways in Sittingbourne.

indian takeaways in sittingbourne imageEach of the Indian Takeaways listed will have their own specialisations and areas of Indian cooking that they serve including general accountancy, audit, personal and corporate tax etc – see the link at the bottom of the page for the Wikipedia link to Indian Takeaways outlining the extent of accouting services that are available.

Some Takeaway Indian Food providers in Sittingbourne are sole traders, some partnerships and some are branches of national firms or franchises that offer there own special Indian Takeaway food services that can be tailored to meet your needs – some will even deliver your favourite Indian food in Sittingbourne.

Check out the Hints and Tips below the listings before booking ordering your Indian Takeaway Sittingbourne or Sittingbourne Indian Take Away.

Featured Indian Takeaways In Sittingbourne

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Indian Takeaways In Sittingbourne

Hot & Herbs

7 Periwinkle Court, Church Street, Milton Regis, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 2JZ

Tel: 01795 420 460

Maharani Tandoori Restaurant

24 West Street, Sittingbourne

Tel: 01795 423 633

Bengal Spice

11 Station Street, Sittingbourne ME10 3DU

Tel: 01795 429292

Mint Leaf Lounge

London Road, Teynham ME9 9PS

Tel: 01795 521 330

Hints and Tips when choosing an Indian Takeaway Sittingbourne

indian takeaway sittingbourne
It all comes down to taste -personal recommendation is good but what I person likes maybe completely different to what another person likes.

Each Indian Takeaway Sittingbourne will have their own specialities, often specilising in a regional cuisine, and a Chicken Tikka Massala in one will taste slightly different to another – the best advice is to try and find the one you like the most.

Here’s a bsic guide to what is on offer:-

Mild dishes:- look out for the words Korma, Passanda and Muglai these have a creamy mildness.

For those who prefer drier dishes look out for the words Tikka or Tandoori.

Rich and medium hot dishes are Massalas.

For those who like it hot, look out for the Madras (hot) or Vindaloo (very hot) versions.

Those with asbestos lined mouths, the brave and silly forkers like me will go for the the Phal or Tindaloo (extremely hot) varieties – these are often not listed on menus but will be prepared by special order – hotter and hotter curries become strangely addictive. Vegetable dishes can be spiced up as well. Of course if you likeit really hot Sri Lankan food…..

Dhansak dishes (originally from Persia) are medium hot, sweet and sour and lentil based dishes. Pathia dishes are a drier version of the same.

Birianis are a rice based dish often served with a wet vegetable curry on the side.

Indian breads are a delicious accompanyment to any meal. Nan bread is an unlevened doughy bread cooked in a Tandoor clay oven. Chapati is a thin pancake like bread for dipping. Poppadoms are like giant crisps made from lentil flour rather than potatoes to accompany mild or spicy dips.

I hope this has given you a few pointers before you set out to find your ideal Indian Takeaway Sittingbourne.

More information about Indian Takeaways can be found here.

Indian Takeaways In Sittingbourne