Cafes In Sittingbourne

Looking for a Cafe in Sittingbourne?

Welcome to the Cafes in Sittingbourne section of our Sittingbourne Business directory.

Here you will find a great selection of the best cafes in Sittingbourne.

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Cafes in Sittingbourne

Fancy a brew when you are shopping? Need to stop for a cup of coffee? Looking for some where to have your lunch? Need to stop for breakfast?

The solution to you quest can be found here. Here are the best cafes in Sittingbourne that will serve up your favourite drink and food to keep you on the go.

Each cafe will have their own specialities that may include all day breakfasts, special grills, roast dinners, burgers, pies, vegetarian dishes, jacket potatoes, children’s meals, hot and cold drinks, milkshakes, sweet treats, pancakes……. are you feeling hungry yet? I am just typing it up!

Many cafes will offer dishes of the day and their own homemade dishes to temp you, and some can provide a take out service for those on the go.

Featured Cafes In Sittingbourne

There are no featured Cafes In Sittingbourne yet – contact us today to get your business featured today for an enhanced listing and more customers tomorrow!

Cafes In Sittingbourne

Station Cafe

21 Station Street, Sittingbourne ME10 3DU

Tel: 01795 351 218

So whats the story about cafes in Sittingbourne?

There are many different types of cafe around and each will target a slightly different clientelle.

They vary for swanky coffee house, the cheap and cheerful caff, the greasy spoon, tea room, small restaurant, transport cafe, and other casual eating and drinking places – more informastion about cafes can be found here for your education!

If you have a favourite cafe in Sittingbourne let us know and we can share the delight they provide you with others in need of a drink or meal.

Cafes In Sittingbourne